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Sociology Optional Online Test Series
Key Features
1. The most relied All India Test Series, so that every Test taker can know where he stand among the REST OF HIS COMPETITORS.
2. Scheduling the tests in a phased manner (Topic wise, Subject wise and full syllabus tests).
3. Test questions which are carefully created by our expert faculty to enhance and sharpen the aspirant’s' intellectual competence for actual exam.
4. Questions act as trigger for learning what is required for the Main Exam.
5. Exhaustive performance analysis and feedback based on the subject wise Strength and weakness analysis.
6. Interactive system conducive for expressing conceptual doubts, discussions and clarifications.
Schedule of All India Sociology Optional Test Series 2019

Four levels of Interaction with Faculty
- 1. Scheduling Conference over Phone
- 2. Writing Email
- 3. Complete Feedback in corrected answersheets
- 4. Model Answer Sheet
click here to know the details about SCHOLARSHIP TEST for Sociology Optional Test Series
Three Modes of Writing the Exams
1. Classroom Test Series
2. Online Test Series
3. Postal Test Series