EU & Japan sign biggest free trade deal.
The European Union and Japan have signed one of the world's biggest free trade deals, covering nearly a third of the world's GDP. The agreement was signed in Tokyo yesterday. EU Council President Jean-Claude Juncker said, they are sending a clear message that both sides stand together against protectionism.
Mr Abe said, the agreement shows the world the unshaken political will of Japan and the EU to lead the world as the champions of free trade at a time when protectionism has spread.
The move contrasts sharply with actions by the US Trump administration, which has introduced steep import tariffs. Under the agreement, Japan will scrap almost all its tariffs on EU goods, particularly dairy items like cheese. The EU will also eliminate about 99 percent of its tariffs on Japanese goods, including removing levies on Japanese cars and scrapping tariffs on car parts.
The agreement must still be ratified by the EU parliament, as well as Japanese lawmakers, but is expected to enter into force from next year. (Source: NewsonAir)
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