Lancet Report: Mental disorders in India on the rise.
Mental disorders are on the rise. 80% of people with some form of mental or substance-related disorder in India and China are not seeking treatment, according to a new Lancet mental health report.
Stressing the treatment gap and high economic burden of mental illness, the report says the disease will cost the world economy $ 16 trillion by 2030. According to a previous report in Lancet, the burden of disease in India increased from 3 to 1990 to 6% in 2013, while in China, mental, neurological and substance-related disorders accounted for 7% of disability years in 1990 and the percentage increased to 11% by 2013.
Current estimates show that people with mental illness account for nearly 6.5% of the Indian population and will rise to 20% by 2020. Without committing suicide, mental health problems are expected to reduce economic growth in both India and China by more than $ 9 trillion between 2016 and 2030.
"Driven by violence, environmental change and inequality, mental disorders are becoming uncontrolled in every country of the world, and governments are failing both in preventing mental disorders and treating acceptable quality," the report said.
Although the report acknowledges India's efforts to introduce the groundbreaking law on mental health care in 2017, which provides people with mental disorders with access to comprehensive medical and social care services in community settings, she said that the quality of care for the mentally ill remains poor.
"Even when seeking treatment, their quality is poor – the World Mental Health Surveys reported that one in five people with depressive disorders in low-income countries received minimally-adequate treatment and in LMICs (low- and middle-income countries) only one in 27 fell), "states the report.
In addition, recreational mental health services are out of reach of the overwhelming majority of the world's population and inpatient care, including emergency care and long-term social care, is dominated by large institutions or prisons. The report, which brought together 28 global psychiatric, public health, neuroscience, advocacy and first-hand mental health professionals, also raised concern about insufficient investment in mental health care around the world.
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