Mahila Sashaktikaran Scheme.
Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) Scheme, under Ministry of Women and Child Development, was approved in November 2017 as a centrally sponsored scheme, to empower rural women through community participation.
Under the Scheme, Capacity Building of Women Collectives is envisaged in not more than 50% of the MSK blocks in 115 aspirational districts to address the livelihood needs of the women particularly those in remote/vulnerable areas where women are not in a position to move out from their immediate surroundings for formal skill training. This component is to be implemented in collaboration of NGO’s/ Cooperative Societies/ KrishiVigyanKendras.
Ministry of Women & Child Development has released funds (central share) for three aspirational districts in Andhra Pradesh namely Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam and YSR Kadapa for undertaking block level activities in 8 blocks per aspirational district. A total number of 24 blocks at 8 blocks per aspirational district were identified by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
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