Niti aayog Initiates implementation of strategy on Resource efficiency
First Meeting of the Inter-Departmental Group of Stakeholders on Resource Efficiency.
The First meeting of the inter-departmental group of stakeholders on implementation of strategy on resource efficiency was held at NITI Aayog today. After detailed discussion,a road map for implementation of the RE in the country was evolved. The meeting was Chaired by Shri Ratan P. Watal, Principal Adviser, NITI Aayog and was attended by nodal officers from the key Ministries/Departments including Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Steel, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. Together with the ministries, EU Ambassador Tomas Kowslowki, representatives from CII, FICCI, SAIL, NALCO, Tata steel, Aluminium and Metal Recycling Association participated in the consultation.
Following measures related to implementation of strategy on resource efficiency was announced by the Principal Advisor, NITI Aayog -
• Resource Efficiency is cross-cutting, has implications for all sectors. Synergies need to be established for a robust implementation agenda.
• NITI Aayog will facilitate the RE strategy implementation. Implementation however will be the responsibility of the line ministries/departments.
• A baseline survey on RE could be considered for better targeting
• A Status paper on RE and Four sectoral strategy papers on RE are to be prepared.
• SWACH Bharat also means a clean production/mining environment, therefore resource efficiency and circular economy are also a part of this initiative.
• One pilot study on Ease of Doing RE Business in collaboration with DIPP could be considered.
• Finally RE is a potential instrument for generating wealth from waste. Measures for promoting effective recycling of scrap generated in the country could be explored.
In November 2017, the NITI Aayog along with EU Delegation to India released the Strategy paper on Resource Efficiency (RE). The objective of the RE Strategy is to make recommendations for enhancing the resource-use efficiency in the Indian economy and industry, develop indicators for monitoring progress, and create an ecosystem for improving the resource security and minimising environmental impacts.
The implementation agenda of the RE Strategy consists of Core Action Agenda (2017-2018) and Medium-term Action Plan (2018-2020) in the thematic areas of institutional development, promotion and regulation. The first action agenda was to constitute an inter-departmental group of stakeholders for steering the strategy. (Source: PIB)
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